
Der Künstlergipfel lebt von Spontanität und Improvisation.

Zeiten sind Richtwerte. Leerstellen Programm.

Fühl Dich frei, trage etwas bei.

Freitag 29.8.2014

ganztägig, irgendwann am Tag

zeitlich terminiert

Hoi, cao, hallo, ciao!
Installationen, Videos, Filme, Feuer
Aurele und die Kuh
18:00 The Unfailing Table

by Anna Romanenko and Björn Kühn

A workshop on the potential of toasting in the days to come after

In the past two months we have been cultivating 44 fruit spirits in the garden of Utopiana. However, it takes only one to set in motion the Unfailing Table. You are cordially invited to join us for the Unfailing Table in the Garden of Love.
To arrive at the table we climb down the chain of being and follow the fruit’s destiny. It will serve as a supplement in the days after and as an catalyst for toasting in the days before.

To the restoration of our personal paradise!

Take a seat and engage in new fantasies about the time after the futuristic outset. What can such a fantasy be like? Bearing in mind that the realizations in fantasy are a generic form of a desire outside us, an impotent mode of wishful thinking and a loss on the principles of reality and the reality principle; we ask: What happens when there is no “other”? No world to relate to, just an eternal banquet at the Unfailing Table which is not likely to end? What then can we toast to?

Let us convene in the days after and try for a toast to unsettle our social ecology.

No special skills needed.
Spirit provided.


20:00 Wa Lin

Experimental music from Leipzig


Samstag 30.8.2014


ganztägig, irgendwann am Tag

zeitlich terminiert

Installationen, Videos, Filme, Feuer
14:00, 18:00, 22:00 rituelle Trommelreise

Remo Wagner läßt die Shamanentrommeln klingen


16:00 Settore Giada



17:00 Käsefondue

Daniel Herberg und Denis Figaschewski üben sich als Schweizer und bereiten in einem Kessel über Feuer ein großes Käsefondue.


19:00 Eggregora

ritualistic soundmeditation

20:30 Noisezone
Smolyn Brothers & Daniel Buess
Basel, Switzerland

22:00 Simone Anderwert



appenzeller Stiichmusig


Sonntag 31.8.2014


ganztägig, irgendwann am Tag

zeitlich terminiert

Installationen, Videos, Filme, Feuer

David Baur


15:00 Einswerdung

Lesung von Yasmin Senkal



17:00 Kristin Gerwien




20:00 Settore Giada
22:00 Diego Peréz Lombardini A.K.A. Acaricio un Venado

Mexiko Stadt

mexikanische Gitarrenmusik